Ontario Fishing and Hunting Regulations 2018

To view Fishing and Hunting regulations in Ontario for 2018 visit:
 https://www.ontario.ca/page/ministry-natural-resources-and-forestry (copies also available at the township office at no charge) 

NOTE:  Fishing and Hunting licences are not available in Pickle Lake.  Please be sure to obtain your outdoors card before you arrive in Pickle Lake for your fishing/hunting trip. 

Camping permits for the following are available at the township office:
RV Park in Pickle Lake, Kapkichi, Badesdawa Lake (Mud Lake), Menako Lake, Mawley Lake and the Pipestone River.

Permits may be pre-purchased before your arrival.  Contact the town office during business hours with the following information:
area desired for camping, number of people and their age group, number of vehicles and licence plate numbers, number of days/nights for visit and credit card for payment.  

Pricing is as per By-Law 2018-06 Schedule “A” Administration/Business Fees.

See our TOURISM page or, contact the township office for more information. 

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