MNR – Restricted Fire Zone

Restricted Fire Zone (RFZ)

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry has implemented a Restricted Fire Zone across much of Northwestern Ontario due to the ongoing dry conditions and extreme forest fire hazard.  This action is required to ensure the continued safety of the public and first responders. 

This RFZ is effective Tuesday May 15th   2018 at noon, and will be in effect until such time as the order is revoked.

A Restricted Fire Zone does not restrict movement or recreational activities; however, it does restrict the use of fire.  During an RFZ it is illegal to set out a fire for any purpose within the affected area, this includes campfires, cooking fires, and incinerators.  All burning normally permitted under the Forest Fire Prevention Act is suspended.   All existing burning permits are cancelled during an RFZ.

Some organized campgrounds or parks may permit campfires during certain times and under strict conditions.  Please contact the campground operator for local details.

Portable propane or gas stoves are permitted, but should be used with caution.  Charcoal installations are only permitted within 100m of a permanent structure used as a dwelling you own or legally occupy.  Coals must be completely extinguished and safely disposed of. 

When travelling in an RFZ please use extreme caution. 

If you see a fire, or someone not adhering to the conditions of the RFZ, please report it to 310-FIRE (3473).

For more information please call your local Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry office.

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